pautan blog prlancongan terengganu

La HoT sPrInG

kawasan paking berbayar
cuba rendam jari boleh tak??
suhu air panas yang keluar ni dalam60 ke 70 darjah f
nak bermalam kat sini pum boleh
laluan ke air terjun kat sebelah kolam air panas tu
kalau letak telor boleh masak tau
ni punca mata air panas tu
kat sungai ni ada batu batu permata,kalau rajin cari memang jumpa
tempat berehat
kat kolam ni boleh mandi terus
jom kita berendam ramai ramai
jangan risau pak cik,kat sini tak ada buaya la...
ni air terjun biasa je
sungai kat tepi kolam air panas tu
memang best la mandi
air kat sini sejok je hu hu

Situated 140km north of Kuala Terengganu, the La Hot Spring water contains natural sulphur which is said to have healing properties. Visitors flock to this spring especially if they are afflicted with skin ailments.
There is more than just healing waters at the La Hot Springs in Terengganu. Located in Kampung La, at the foot of Gunung Tebu complex, La Hot Springs is the gateway to the Gunung Tebu Forest Reserve which is popular with adventurers who come to seek various tropical flora and fauna or to explore rock tunnels, streams and rivers.

The warm waters of the hot springs that run along a stream are very inviting. Many come to take a dip in the waters which can reputedly cure various ailments such as skin diseases and muscle pain.

The more adventurous go abseiling, trek along jungle paths and go caving. Fishing in the river and camping are popular activities.

The rocks are one of the attractions. Under a 20-metre high rock called Batu Bahtera (Ship Rock) is a 15m “secret” passage. Crawl under the rock and you’ll get to the other side. Continue walking another 20 minutes and you’ll come to Sungai Misteri. The river is thus named as it disappears into a large hole near Sungai Ping.

Nearby is a scenic spot, Lata Berangin, where water falls majestically down a 50-metre rocky surface into a pond. Other places of interest include Batu Katak (Frog Rock), Gua Kelawar and Kolam Puteri.

CALL 0199349531

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